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Parents of 11th graders, it's your turn! Counselors will be meeting with the junior class next Thursday, September 8th during their English classes.
They'll be discussing key points to remember during the year including:How to accurately read transcript; Retaking classes and “R” tags; Summer school for grade improvement; PSAT, SAT and ACT exams; Scholarships for college; College visits on campus; Registering for the NCAA, if applicable; and Summer programs
After meeting with students, counselors will hold a “Coffee with the Counselors,” Friday, September 9th at 9AM in J600 on Chaparral’s campus so parents can hear everything their students did. Refreshments will be provided by CHAPTS - thank you, CHAPTS members! Please sign in through the front office.

posted by CHAPTS on 9/2/2022 3:49 pm