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Lifting The Aggregate Expenditure Limit

Unless the Arizona State Legislature passes legislation by March 1, SUSD will be unable to spend the $27 million is has budgeted for the rest of the school year.  The district has the money but is unable to use it unless this block is lifted.  Please contact your legislators and ask them to lift the Aggregate Expenditure Limit for this year so we can remain fully staffed.  Sample emails are below.


Latest News

*UPDATE* A one-year override has been passed by the state Senate 23-6! Thank you to everyone who contacted their legislators to ask them to keep school on track this year and to those who voted yes!


Votes by State Legislators within SUSD Boundaries

NO Vote
LD23: Sen. Michelle Ugenti-Rita
LD23: Rep. Joseph Chaplik
YES Vote
LD24: Sen. Lela Alston
LD28: Sen. Christine Marsh
LD23: Rep. John Kavanagh
LD24: Rep. Jennifer Longdon
LD24: Rep. Amish Shah
LD28: Rep. Kelli Butler
LD28: Rep. Sarah Liguori


On Tuesday, February 15, the Arizona State House of Representatives voted 45-14 to lift the Aggregate Expenditure Limit for this academic year and allow school districts to spend the money in their accounts that they had allocated for this year's budget. This is great news! Please review the list of yes and no votes and contact your state representatives to thank them if they supported this legislation!   


The Arizona State Senate must now pass a matching piece of legislation, SCR 1050, by a 2/3 majority before March 1 in order for this spending cap to be lifted for the year. A sample email referencing this legislation is below.  


Information from SUSD


Sample Email to Your State Senator


Hi, my name is [your name will go here], I live in [your address or jurisdiction will go here], and I am very worried about the constitutional spending limit issue.


As your constituent, I am asking you to prioritize Arizona’s schools, children, and teachers by waiving the spending limit immediately and passing Senate Concurrent Resolution 1050.


Our governor and majority party leaders have stated their wish to keep our schools open and keep kids learning. One of the best ways to do that is to waive the Aggregate Expenditure Limit quickly.


I do not think it is right to play games with this funding when it could result in teacher layoffs, program stoppages, and even school closures. Our schools deserve a budget they can depend on during these chaotic times, but right now districts don’t know whether they’ll be able to spend money that is already collected and has already been promised in contracts. That’s not right.


I know you and your fellow lawmakers have the power to fix it quickly, and not allow the cap to be tied up in partisan games or paired with other controversial bills. Please vote to pass SCR 1050 and allow our students to finish out the school year without any disruption.

Thank you for your time.





posted by CHAPTS on 1/24/2022 4:35 pm